Sunday, October 26, 2014

Celebrating my Father James Burton Groves...

James Burton Groves was born on a home- stead near Ryegate, Montana, not far from Billings, MT on October 26, 1913.

His mother, Amanda Sofia Isaacs (originally Isaacson of Norwegian descent) had grown up in Forest City, IA but decided to become a homesteader in MT when she was in her mid twenties.  She met my Grandfather, William Floyd Groves, there as he had gone to MT to work in the harvest.  He had been born and reared on a homestead near North Platte, NE.   
Bill & Amanda's wedding photo - November 28, 1910.
Grandma Amanda had traveled to WI for the birth of their first son, Vernon.  But because there were no complications with that birth, she gave birth to my father in MT.  The family would continue to live in MT for the necessary five years in order to own their homestead.  At the end of five years, they sold their land and the one room house in which they had lived.  They moved to Minneapolis, MN for a short period of time and then to a farm near Viroqua, WI.   My father's life continued in WI until 2006 when at the age of 92, he died.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Memories of My Family's Move in November 1948...

Linda Groves Worden shares this story with her grandchildren and all who read this...

November 1st is the anniversary of the day my family moved to the farm where most of my childhood was spent.  I share my memories of that day in 1948 when I was nearly 4 years old. 

I have only a few memories of my first home which was on my Great-Grandmother's farm near Viroqua, WI - seventy-five miles from Fountain City, Wisconsin.  Perhaps I will share some of those early memories later but I have decided to start this story as I begin life on the 200 acre farm my parents had just purchased.

My family moved to a dairy farm on Buffalo Ridge, November 1, 1948, about one month before I turned four years old. I had an older brother, Jimmy, and two younger sisters, Kathy and Barbie.

This farm was three miles from the small town of Fountain City, WI and seven miles from Winona, MN which could be reached by crossing a big bridge.  It was on top of one of the beautiful, high bluffs that borders the Mississippi River.

"I remember the day we moved to our new farm home," I said as I told my grandchildren what I remembered.

"It was a day when the weather was very cold and rainy.  The rain was turning to sleet as we drove the last few miles up the long dugway that led to our new farm.  I was riding in the car with my mother and sisters while my Dad and brother were driving a truckload of equipment and a hired trucker was hauling our milk cows in his big truck.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Christmas at Cross Ridge School...

Blog Author:  Linda Groves Worden 
For a holiday event in 2012, I was asked to share a personal Christmas  tradition or memory with a group gathered for a dinner of fellowship and fun.  When asked, I hesitated only momentarily before I agreed to accept the assignment.  I knew of a memory I had been wanting to write about and this would provide the perfect time and place to share.  
With that story composed, I share it here as well.
Cross Ridge School as it looks now - not much different than it looked in the 1950's when I attended grades 1-8.
My elementary school days were all spent at a one-room country school named Cross Ridge School. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

JBG Planting Corn With a Team of Horses near Viroqua, WI...

James Burton Groves planting corn on his Grandmother's farm near Viroqua, WI
James Steven Groves, son of James, 
shares his memories sparked by this photo...   
Hello Gang, 
Thanks so much, Bob, for scanning and forwarding this picture to us.  I 
would like to add a little more commentary.  But, before I do, I want you 
to know up front that it is a Groves' Family History Lesson. This photo 
of my Dad sparked the motivation within me to give some background to the 
picture.  Frankly, I want to do it now while I am of sound mind and 
remember all of these details.  This kind of information is so easily 
lost forever if not recorded and shared.  Some of you may find this 
boring, so feel free to disregard. 
1.   I agree with Linda, these horses are not Sadie and Boots.  I 
definitely remember Dad (James) talking about a horse named Nig.  I also 
think he mentioned one named Sally.  This could possibly be Nig and 
Sally. I don't remember seeing them. 
2.  This photo was taken on the farm east of Viroqua.  Compared to other farms in 
the area, it was large, well over 200 acres.  It was owned by my 
great grandmother, Minnie B. (Cox) Groves.  Her husband's name was Isaac. 
View from Groves Lane